the best you can
w/e 3rd May 2024
Message from the Head
The sign-up sheets for these will be available in the front office from Monday. Then, in the summer term, there will be a ‘Meet my child’s new teacher’ meeting where you will be able to find out all the exciting things that are planned for your child to learn and experience from September 2024 and beyond! Keeping you informed and up to date is key to enabling us to work together to ensure your child is happy and making good progress as they journey through Mabe school.
With my very best wishes,
Mrs Stevens
Attendance Stats
Dear Parents and Carers,
As I hope you know, we value your feedback on all aspects of our school and Kernow Learning Trust. Through this year, I have gathered your views through questionnaires at parents meetings, return forms from reports and through being readily available to you all. As we are now in the summer term, we want to provide a further opportunity for you to share your thoughts and feelings on our school; where we are getting things right and where we could further develop. In order to hear your views, we would greatly appreciate you completing our survey via this link:
The surveys are completely anonymous, though the responses will be aggregated at school and trust level for the purpose of analysis by our school leaders and trustees. The survey will be available for completion between Friday 3rd May (today!) and Tuesday 21st May. Your opinions and honesty matter to us and are central to how we can both strengthen areas for improvement and celebrate our successes. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please contact us in the usual ways.
As we have our parents’ evenings scheduled for the week beginning 13th May, you may find it beneficial to complete the survey after your parents’ meeting, but the link is readily available to you now should you wish to complete it straight away. We look forward to hearing your feedback as this shapes how we further develop as a school and Trust. The more feedback we get, the more valuable this is so we would appreciate you taking the time to complete the survey. I will send the link regularly via DoJo and will put it on the next few week’s newsletters so that it is readily available to you.
As mentioned above, we are looking forward to welcoming you to our summer term parent, teacher meetings where we will build on from our spring reports and be able to share with you the progress your child has made and their next steps targets for the remainder of this academic year.
Kittiwakes | 92% |
Sandpipers | 92% |
Curlews | 96% |
Cormorants | 95% |
Puffins | 93% |
Herons | 96% |
Guillemots | 96% |
Thank you for your support in ensuring your child has good attendance. Please be reminded that the government expects all children not to miss school due to family holidays. Any child who takes 6 days or more of unauthorised absence will need to be referred to the Local Authority.
Porthpean Meeting for parents and children in Year 4 – Friday 10th May 3:20pm in the Puffins classroom.
Our residential trip to Porthpean is now fast approaching. To further discuss the plan for these 3 days and to answer any of your questions, we will be hosting a meeting on the above date and time. There will be medical declaration forms to complete during this time. If you are unable to make the meeting, we will share the information with you via DoJo and send home any forms requiring completing.
Summer Fayre Update.
To help our summer fayre be successful, we are requesting the following items to be donated for a variety of tombola stalls. Please see dates for each donation window:
Sports Day
We are hoping that our Sports Day will be held on Tuesday 18th June. EYFS and KS1 will take part in the morning, and KS2 in the afternoon.
The back up day is Wednesday 26th June.
Complete our parent survey here
Parents Evening
We aim to keep you as informed as we can about your child’s learning, progress and attainment. To follow up from our Spring Term reports, we are going to offer Parents Evening during the week beginning Monday 13th May. We will let you know when the sign up sheets will be placed in the office for you to book in.
Personal Development News
At Mabe our personal development programme is threaded throughout our curriculum. Our vision for Personal Development is in line with the CCEA’s definition:
'Encouraging each child to become personally, emotionally, socially and physically effective, to lead , safe and fulfilled lives; To become confident, independent and responsible citizens, making informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives’
This week as part of our Personal Development programme:
policy. I will keep you updated with what they vote for!
Curriculum News
In maths we will be using a range of representations to explore the composition of numbers, including 10 frames and dice patterns.
In Art this week the children will be experimenting with different brushes and painting tools.
Inspired by this week’s museum visit, we will be investigating the life of significant pirates from the past.
We will be beginning work on writing an instruction text for how to care for a mythical beast.
Herons will continue our outdoor learning at we get closer to summery weather!
We will continue to develop our sequences in our dance lessons led by teachers from Penryn College.
Cormorants will be continuing filming video trailers in our computing learning. We will then be editing them using sound effects and green screen.
Key Dates
May Half Term
Saturday 25th May to Sunday 2nd June.
W/b 13th May
Parents evenings
Thursday 6th June
Class photos
Tuesday 18th June
Sports Day
Wednesday 26th June
Reserve Sports Day
Friday 5th July
Summer Fayre
Wednesday 24th July
Year 6 Leavers Assembly
Awarded for:
Awarded for:
Awarded for:
Progress in Learning Awards
Samuel S
This week's awards
the best you can
Learning Behaviour Awards
Commitment Award
Commitment Award
Commitment Award
Awarded for:
Awarded for:
Awarded for:
Awarded for:
Harry P
Cooperation Award
Community Award
Compassion Award
Courage Award
Courage Award
Commitment Award
Cooperation Award
Commitment Award
Commitment Award
Mabe School, Cunningham Park, Mabe, TR10 9FD 01326 372662