the best you can
w/e 15th Sept 2023
Message from the Head
Mrs Stevens
Holidays and Absence during term time
Absence will not be authorised during term time except in exceptional circumstances. It is very important that all parents and carers understand that children with unauthorised absences, including holidays, and unexplained absences are at risk of receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice from Cornwall County Council. This year, all unauthorised term time holiday of 5 days or more over a 3-month period will automatically be referred to the Local Authority and a Fixed Penalty notice will be issued.
Regular Attendance means Punctual Attendance
Arriving on time for school is important as late arrivals as this means that your child has lost minutes of learning. Late arrivals are also disruptive for the class. At Mabe:
Any pupil who arrives after the start of the school day but before the register has closed will be marked as L. Lost minutes of learning are calculated and reported to the Local Authority – ongoing lost minutes of learning may incur a Fixed Penalty Notice.
Attendance in every class is currently excellent; thank you for making such a positive start. If you would like any support or advice on this, please speak to your child’s class teacher or myself.
Dear Parents/Carers
It has been another positive week here at school; it is great to see the children arriving at school on time ready for the day ahead.
Right at the beginning of this academic year, I wanted to take this opportunity to detail the expectations for attendance and punctuality of schools within Kernow Learning. This is just a brief overview, and our full Attendance Policy can be found on our school website.
At Mabe primary school we aim for ‘Every child to be in school, on time, every day, learning ready’. Attendance is reviewed weekly on an individual basis. We categorise levels of attendance into red, amber and green.
GREEN - 97% and above. Excellent attendance.
AMBER - 91% - 96%. Attendance below expected level. We will monitor the child’s attendance daily and if we do not see an improvement, we will contact you inviting you in to school to discuss ways in which we can work together to improve attendance.
RED - below 91%. Attendance at this level is classed as ‘persistent absence’, and will likely be referred to the Education Welfare Officer.
Absence through illness
We understand and appreciate that children can become ill and there will be occasions where they will need to be kept home from school to rest and recover. If your child is too ill to attend school, please contact the school office before 9.25am with full details of your child’s illness/symptoms. If we do not hear from you, we will ring you to find out why your child is not in school. If we have no contact from you as to the reason for the absence, we will treat it as unauthorised. Where there is an absence with no contact from the family, the school may follow this up with a home visit.
Medical Appointments
We request that, where possible, routine medical and dentist appointments are arranged outside school hours. We do understand that some appointments, such as hospital consultations, are not always possible to arrange outside of school hours. Parents will need to share evidence of any medical or dental appointments with the School Office to receive an authorised absence and for Safeguarding purposes.
Attendance Stats
Kittiwakes | 100% |
Sandpipers | 97% |
Curlews | 100% |
Cormorants | 100% |
Puffins | 96% |
Herons | 96% |
Guillemots | 97% |
A huge well done to our football and netball teams who played their first matches at Penryn College this week.
A great team effort from all of the children and our footballers won both matches!
Our first PTA meeting of the year will be on Wednesday 27th Sept at 6pm.
Everybody is welcome to come along and support the school in raising additional funds which is all spent on the children at Mabe School.
Extra Curricular Clubs
You will have received a copy of our extra curricular clubs for this half term. Mrs McCarthy will confirm whether your child has been successful in securing a place.
All clubs start next week!
A warm welcome to...
Mr Max Everall, who is employed by Plymouth Argyle, will be working at Mabe school on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On these days, he will be supporting with PE lessons and active lunchtimes. Mr Everall will also be running 2 extra-curricular clubs with us. We hope that he will soon feel part of our team here at Mabe.
We will be celebrating Harvest Festival in assembly on Friday 29th September, it would be appreciated if children could bring in an item of non perishable food (cereal, tins, pasta, etc) that we can donate to the local food bank.
Thank you!
Meet the teacher dates:
Fri 22nd 3pm - Curlews
Mon 25th 3pm - Cormorants
Tues 26th 3pm - Sandpipers
Wed 27th 3pm - Herons
Thurs 28th 3pm - Puffins
Fri 29th 3pm- Guillemots
We want to make sure you are feeling well informed with everything that is happening at school and in your child’s classroom. To find out more about the year ahead for your child, we warmly welcome you to a Meet the Teacher session. These are at 3pm so that parents can drop in just before pick up. We look forward to seeing many of you there.
Starting School 2024
Do you have a child born between 1 sept 2019 and 31 Aug 2020?
If so you will need to apply for a reception place by
15th Jan 2024.
For more information visit
Curriculum News
Next week we will be thinking about our pets- ones we have, and ones we would like to have if we could!
As part of our science topic Everyday materials we will be investigating sorting materials in different ways.
As part of our Science learning, Curlews will be visited by consultant Dr Katie Wallace, who will talk to us about becoming a doctor. She will bring in various xrays and models for us to explore.
Next week, Puffins Class will be building characterisation into their writing, showing (not telling!) opposing personalities through description, action and dialogue.
After much literary exploration, next week, Herons will begin writing their wishing tales.
Guillemots will be developing their printing techniques in art.
In History this week we will be looking at evidence from Skara Brae to discover what life was like in the Stone Age.
Friday 22nd - Friday 29th Sept
Meet the Teacher dates posted in notices above.
Wednesday 27th September,
PTA Meeting | 6pm in the school hall, all welcome.
Friday 29th September
Harvest Assembly, donations to our local food bank greatly appreciated.
W/C 16th October
Parent meetings
Monday 23rd - Friday 27th Oct
Half Term
Monday 30th October
Inset Day
1st November
Individual and sibling photos
8th November
Flu immunisations for all year groups; letters to follow
6th December
Source FM Carol Concert
Key Dates
Half term
Sat 21st - Sunday 29th October + Monday 30th Inset day
Christmas Break
Wed 20th December to Wed 3rd Jan
Feb Half Term
Saturday 10th to Sunday 18th Feb + Monday 19th Inset Day
Easter Holidays
Friday 29th March to Sunday 14th April
May Half Term
Saturday 25th May to Sunday 2nd June.
Awarded for:
All of the Kittiwakes children
Awarded for:
Awarded for:
This week's awards
Learning Behaviour Awards
the best you can
Making a super start with their RWI sounds!
Commitment Award
Compassion Award
Progress in Learning Awards
Awarded for:
Awarded for:
Awarded for:
Awarded for:
Cooperation Award
Community Award
Commitment Award
Courage Award
Commitment Award
Cooperation Award
Commitment Award
Compassion Award
Courage Award
Mabe School, Cunningham Park, Mabe, TR10 9FD 01326 372662