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the best you can


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w/e 19th January 2024

Message from the Head

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Attendance Stats















Thank you for your support in ensuring your child has good attendance. Please be reminded that the government expects all children not to miss school due to family holidays. Any child who takes 6 days or more of unauthorised absence will need to be referred to the Local Authority.

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We have the Education Welfare Officer visiting school on Wednesday 24th January to discuss ways in which this service can support to improve attendance at whole school and individual level. If you need any support with your child’s attendance, please do contact us at school and we will be very happy to meet with you and discuss ways in which we can support you.

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we have welcomed a number of visitors to our school. These have been other teachers working in our Trust, and also Governors from our Local Governing Board. During these visits, we have walked the school and seen the children learning in their classes. All the visitors to our school have commented on the calmness around the school and the excellent learning behaviours seen in every classroom. Children have been focused on their learning and proud to show their work to our visitors. The presentation of learning in books is something for our children to feel very proud of, and we are very much looking forward to sharing the children’s learning with you during our Open Afternoon on 26th January.

On that afternoon, you are welcome into school from 2:45pm (please use the main front entrance), and go to your children’s classrooms where they will have their learning out ready to share with you. Classroom staff will also be available to informally chat with you during this time. Dismissal time will still be the same at 3:15pm and we will ask you to wait outside the classroom at 3:10pm to enable staff to get children ready safely for the end of the day.

If you are unable to attend this open afternoon, please let your child’s class teacher know via DoJo and we will ensure that we photocopy some of your children’s learning that they are especially proud of and want to share with you at home.

We hope that our Open Afternoon will help you to feel more informed about your child’s learning and progress. To further support how well informed you feel about how your child is getting on at school, Kernow Learning have decided that this year our schools will send out our Annual Reports in the Spring Term, and our reports will be shared with you on Friday 1st March. This will then be followed up by another parents evening in the summer term. However, at Mabe we operate an Open Door policy and, if any point during the school year, you would like to meet with your child’s class teacher, SenCo or myself, please do not hesitate to make an appointment for this via DoJo.

With my best wishes

Mrs Stevens

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Blank Notebook Template

National Tutoring Programme

For the last 3 years, the Department for Education has provided schools with additional funding as part of the COVID-19 recovery strategy. If your child is being invited to a tutoring session, it is because their teacher believes they will greatly benefit from this additional, small group targeted work.

Please support this by ensuring your child attends their session. Regularly missing this extra opportunity means that your child may lose their space which could then be offered to another child.

These sessions are invite only and are only being run in certain year groups; your child’s class teacher will send a letter home if they feel that your child would benefit in one of the offered sessions.

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Cute Highlight Doodle

Open Afternoon

We would like to invite parents/carers to an opportunity to come into classrooms and look at your child's learning with your child.

Class teachers will also be available for informal conversations during this time.

Friday 26th January 2:45pm - 3:15pm

Personal Development News

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At Mabe our personal development programme is threaded throughout our curriculum. Our vision for Personal Development is in line with the CCEA’s definition:

'Encouraging each child to become personally, emotionally, socially and physically effective, to lead , safe and fulfilled lives; To become confident, independent and responsible citizens, making informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives’

This week as part of our Personal Development programme:

  • Year 5 have visited Penryn Library to help to foster their lifelong love of reading
  • Last week, a number of children from years 4, 5 and 6 represented our school at Cross-Country. They were great ambassadors for our school and we had a number of children place in the top 10, and one of our Y5 girls won the race.
  • In all of our classes, we have been developing talk and oracy. To give importance to what children are saying, they are being encouraged to stand up an give an answer using full sentences. This takes real courage and it has been great to see the children embrace this approach.
  • Our extra-curricular clubs have started again this week, and it has been great to see many children take advantage of the number of clubs on offer. If there is a club your child would like to attend that isn’t currently offered, please let us know and we will see if we can facilitate

this in the summer term programme.

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1st Place Golden Medal
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Books on a Shelf

Curriculum News

In our music lesson we will be enjoying some action songs, and exploring tempo.

In PE we will be developing flexibility when holding poses during our yoga lessons.

We look forward to our trip to Pendennis Castle on Tuesday, when we will take part in a ‘Now and Then’ workshop, as well as explore the grounds. The site is not open to the public, so we have the castle to ourselves.

In Maths, we will be looking at measure and perimeter.

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In English, Herons will traverse the planets of the solar system when rewriting Dante’s Paradiso as a portal story.

We will be writing to our Swedish pen friends, as part of our study of Scandinavia.

We will be sending emails in computing this week, our focus will be thinking about how to be kind online.

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Key Dates

Feb Half Term

Saturday 10th to Sunday 18th Feb + Monday 19th Inset Day

Easter Holidays

Friday 29th March to Sunday 14th April

May Half Term

Saturday 25th May to Sunday 2nd June.

Friday 2nd February 2024

Number Day 2024

Tuesday 6th February 2024

Safer Internet Day

Friday 9th February 2024

Last day of term

Monday 19th February 2024

Inset day- school closed

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Awarded for:



Awarded for:



Awarded for:

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Progress in Learning Awards

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This week's awards


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the best you can


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Green Banner

Learning Behaviour Awards

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Community Award


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Cooperation Award


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Loyalty Allegiance Icon

Commitment Award


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Awarded for:




Awarded for:



Awarded for:



Awarded for:

Harry P

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Monoline Teamwork Icon

Cooperation Award

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Doll Chain Pattern Vector

Community Award

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Career Progress Icon


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Career Progress Icon


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Career Progress Icon
Career Progress Icon


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Career Progress Icon

Lacey G

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Filled In Respect Icon

Compassion Award

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Courage Award

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Loyalty Allegiance Icon

Commitment Award

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Compassion Award


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Courage Award


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Cooperation Award


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Loyalty Allegiance Icon

Commitment Award

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Mabe School, Cunningham Park, Mabe, TR10 9FD 01326 372662
