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the best you can


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w/e 14th June 2024

Message from the Head

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Dear Parents and Carers,

This week our children in year 1 and year 4 children have completed their statutory national testing. Our year 1 children have completed their phonics screening check with Mrs Champion, who was very impressed with how well the children focused and engaged, whilst reading a range of real and ‘alien’ words demonstrating the great progress they have made in their RWInc lessons this year. Our year 4 children’s recall of their times tables up to 12 x 12 was tested in their multiplication check. In this test the children have a series of 25 questions and have just 6 seconds to calculate and record the answer on a digital device. Again, the speed and accuracy of their recall was mightily impressive, and Mr Ford was very proud that all the children’s hard work paid off. We will share the outcome of these assessments, as well as KS1 and KS2 SATs once they have all been validated by the DFE and sent back into school.

Also, this week we welcomed many of the parents of our incoming Kittiwakes class at our New Parent’s Information Evening. It was great that Mr Watkins, the incoming Headteacher for Mabe, was able to attend and meet with parents at this event. Over this half term, Mr Watkins will visit Mabe school regularly and I know he is very much looking forward to meeting you and your children and getting involved with the community here at Mabe.

Some parents have been asking about information on class teachers for the next academic year; the plans are now in the final stages and I should be able to share this information within the next couple of weeks. Please be reassured that as soon as the staffing plan is finalised, this will be communicated with you all and the children will have transition sessions planned in. There will also be ‘Meet the Teacher’ sessions for you as parents before the end of this term.

I have just checked the weather forecast and, as it currently stands, it looks dry for Tuesday so I have everything crossed that our planned Sports Day will go ahead. The children have been busy practising and are keen to show you their sporting skills. Our PTA will be running a refreshments stall so please bring some cash along with you. We have also planned in some time for you to enjoy refreshments with your child/ren immediately after the Sports Day for about 15/20 minutes before we will take the children back inside. We will organise the children back into their class groups when the sports activities finish, and we will keep classes to a zoned area – please help us by staying in this area with your child during the refreshments part of the event.

Today, Mr Cruse, Mrs Chapman and myself are off on residential with our Year 6’s. We are heading to Barton Hall in Torquay for an adventure-filled weekend, where the children will have the opportunity to go abseiling, fencing, build rafts, take on the high ropes course and the zip wire, amongst many other things! I am sure we will all have an absolute blast with (hopefully) some sleep fitted in as well!

Wishing you a lovely weekend – it is the sea shanty festival in Falmouth which is always a good event,

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Mrs Stevens

Attendance Stats















Thank you for your support in ensuring your child has good attendance. Please be reminded that the government expects all children not to miss school due to family holidays. Any child who takes 6 days or more of unauthorised absence will need to be referred to the Local Authority.

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Sticky Note

Please ensure children have the correct PE uniform for our Sports Day on Tuesday and their PE lessons. Please note the Nike pro shorts or shorts in this style are not appropriate and we will provide children with spare PE uniform if required.

Sports Day

Tuesday 18th June

EYFS and KS1 will take part in the morning with a start time of 9:15am.

KS2 Sports will then be held in the afternoon starting at 1:45pm.

The PTA are providing refreshments and lollies and there will be some time after the sporting events where you can have some time together as a family enjoying the refreshments on offer.

(The back up day in the event of poor weather conditions is Wednesday 26th June).

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Colorful Summer Lettering
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Summer Fayre Update.

To help our summer fayre be successful, we are requesting the following items to be donated for a variety of tombola stalls. Please see dates for each donation window:

  • Teddy Bear Tombola – Tuesday 7th May to 17th May – Donations of Teddy Bears and soft toys
  • Child’s Tombola prizes - 20th May to 7th June – Donations of something your child would like to win
  • Adult’s Tombola prizes - 10th June to 21st June – Donations of something you would like to win!
  • Cake Stall – Donations to be received on the day only – 5th July

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Uniform Expectations

We fully understand that children have grown out of shoes, uniform and PE kits over the course of this year, and know that this may not be the time to be replacing just before the summer break. However, when purchasing uniform for September, please make sure that this is inline with our uniform policy set out on our website. If you need any help with providing the correct school uniform for September, please come and speak with us.

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Personal Development News

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Leafs Plant Decorative Pattern
Leafs Plant Decorative Pattern
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Viking Helmet

At Mabe our personal development programme is threaded throughout our curriculum. Our vision for Personal Development is in line with the CCEA’s definition:

'Encouraging each child to become personally, emotionally, socially and physically effective, to lead , safe and fulfilled lives; To become confident, independent and responsible citizens, making informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives’

This week as part of our Personal Development programme:

    • Year 4’s have visited the Maritime museum in Falmouth to enrich their historical learning on the Viking Invaders.
    • The children have been working together practising their sports day events.
    • In assemblies this week, we have been considering how we can make small steps to
    • help limit the impact of deforestation so that animals habitats are not being destroyed.

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Rudder wheel with sea wave logo for maritime company
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Leafs Plant Decorative Pattern
Leafs Plant Decorative Pattern
Felled Trees Icon

Curriculum News

In our Topic activities, we will be comparing types of transport from the past with those we see today.

In History, we will be explaining what it will be like to go on a seaside holiday now.

We will be describing the physical landscape of the Galapagos Islands and discovering why there are so many unique species living on this magnificent archipelago.

Next week, we will be beginning our next Maths unit on shape, including angles and symmetry.

pencil doodle

In Herons, the children will write an adventure story of their choosing independently; weather permitting, we will write outdoors.

Next week will be continuing to plan our Fiver Challenge stalls for the Summer Fayre.

Next week, we will be investigating what plants need to grow well in our science learning,

Sketch of the Globe
Book Pile


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Calander Icon

Key Dates

Last Day of Summer Term

Wednesday 24th July

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Tuesday 18th June

Sports Day

Wednesday 26th June

Reserve Sports Day

Friday 5th July

Summer Fayre

Wednesday 24th July

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

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Awarded for:



Awarded for:



Awarded for:

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Progress in Learning Awards

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This week's awards


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the best you can


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Green Banner

Learning Behaviour Awards

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Courage Award


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Loyalty Allegiance Icon

Commitment Award


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Community Award


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Awarded for:




Awarded for:


Handshake Heart


Awarded for:



Awarded for:


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Award Icon
Monoline Teamwork Icon

Cooperation Award

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Community Award

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Career Progress Icon
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Career Progress Icon


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Career Progress Icon
Career Progress Icon


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Lacie N

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Filled In Respect Icon
Handshake Heart

Compassion Award

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Courage Award

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Loyalty Allegiance Icon

Commitment Award

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Community Award


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Commitment Award


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Commitment Award


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Commitment Award

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Mabe School, Cunningham Park, Mabe, TR10 9FD 01326 372662
